Super Panda

Kids Educare Centre
3 - 12 Years Old


Preschool Education



Primary School Tuition



Certified Day Care




Enrichment Programme


What is Educare? Education + Care! 

This is what we promise in Super Panda. We are an experienced Kids Educare Centre in Kota Bharu, Kelantan (Registered Day Care - Pusat Jagaan). Specialising in preschool education for 4 - 6-year-olds, Primary School Tuition for 7 - 12-year-olds, and having care service for all of them too! 


如果直接翻译 'Educare' 指的是"教育照顾",但我们强调的是"教育+补导"。如何让孩子们在更健康舒适的环境下欢乐学习,茁壮成长!我们是合法注册的托儿所,但不只是照顾孩子们的饮食、洗澡、午睡等等,我们重视的是孩子们的课业以及学习态度。尤其是4-6岁的幼儿,我们有专业的老师设计孩子们的每日学习课程,让他们从小就掌握好中、英、马来文三大语言的基础。当然也有额外的Super技术课程班,让他们开开心心的学习成长!

Fun learning in a healthy & safe environment is our priority

Preschool Learning

We have our preschool syllabus for 4-6-year-old kids which focuses on a balance of Malay, Chinese, and English language learning.



Primary Tuition

We also have the primary school tuition (All subjects from BM, BI, BC, Math & SC) for 7-12-year-olds where normally they can join the class after school.


7-12补习这是额外收费的。我们有不同的小学补习班,包括三种语言、数学、科学等等。一般是从学校接孩子们到Super Panda,洗澡享用午餐后才开始补习班。

Day Care (Halal Meals)

For all the kids from 3-12 years old, we provide day care services from Halal meals, to safe space for them to shower and take their afternoon nap.


3-12岁照护因为考虑到马来同胞,我们准备的食物是Halal的。照护部份包括学校接送、洗澡、用食、午岁、下午茶 🚙🚿🍲🫖😄 太优惠了吧!

Indoor Playground

Besides 2 floors for our kids to study, we also have the rooftop renovated as our indoor playground, allowing them to enjoy a safe space.



1-on-1 Reading

We guide our kids to recognise the alphabet, read sentences, and write in various languages. We emphasis small group learning with 1-on-1 guidance.


1对1阅读计划我们提倡阅读习惯。拥有自己的小小阅读区Reading Corner/Mini Library,也定期的陪孩子们,1对1的阅读三种语言的图书。除了识字阅读,也教他们组词、成句。

Holiday Programme

Normally, we will have different Birthday Party and a Year End Party celebrations. During the school holiday, we also have excursions/ field trips too.

